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About UNICO, Saddle Brook Chapter

The Saddle Brook UNICO Chapter was chartered in 1967.Our Charter President was George Notte. Currently there are over 130 Chapters of UNICO in over 31 Districts. The Saddle Brook Chapter belongs to New Jersey District VII.The current President of our Chapter is Marilyn Nasello who will serve until June of 2015. Over the years there have been many Saddle Brook UNICO Chapter Presidents. To see them all click here.

The Unican Creed:
U-in the common brotherhood and UNITY of man created by an all-wise and loving GOD.
N-that my highest fulfillment and greatest happiness are to be found in unselfish service to my NEIGHBOR.
I-that INTEGRITY of character-not wealth, position, or power-is the greatest possession I can have.
C-that true CHARITY is not motivated by selfish purpose but is the expression of genuine love for my neighbor.
O-in my responsibility to use every OPPORTUNITY to increase my usefulness to the needy and underprivilidged.

Membership Information:
Currently UNICO of Saddle Brook has over 58 members. Membership of UNICO is exclusively open to American men and women of Italian heritage, or persons married to men and women of Italian heritage, of good character and reputation.

UNICO Functions:
UNICO grants scholarship awards, is a major player in the fight against the discrimination of Italian-Americans, observes Columbus Day with fitting programs, promotes the perpetuation of our rich Italian Heritage & Culture, promotes Italian Study Chairs in collages and universities, promotes the study of the Italian language in High Schools, raises funds for local and National charities,particularly, The Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research, participates in underprivilidged and handicapped children's work, mental health research programs, Cooley's Anemia research programs, community and civic activities, and promotes good fellowship among members. Unico, Saddle Brook Chapter raises funds and schedules events for many of the above topics..

For more information about UNICO, please visit the UNICO National Website Our address is Saddle Brook UNICO, P.O. Box 439, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663.

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